Friday, September 02, 2005

update after long

long time since i updated the last post. have been to China and Perhentian trip. Packed everything into a summer holiday, was fun. i think i'm sucker for that kinda of nomadic and sometimes i'm a sucker for stress too. i need tastes of reality from time to time to keep me alive.

But anyway, my point is that everything is back to back, internship>China>Ipoh>Perhentian>come back straight away Spook show, and then school kicks in. So haven't really had time to sit down with anybody and share about the China trip. hmm.. maybe should go for a beer at brewerks, kinda miss that place. Any takers?

From time to time, i do miss China. maybe most memories i had in China is pleasant for this trip. the scenery there is awesome really. when we were travelling to the primary school up in the hills (2500m above sea level), the places we pass by is quite breathtaking to me. maybe i have not seen much scenery really, but i would Asia has the kinda scenery and the flavor that no place can contend. i'm beginning to love Asia more and more really. i mean we have the tallest mountains, the fiercest whitewaters, the most diverse culture and heritage, the best food.. i think i can be contented in staying in just Asia for the rest of my life.

was just thinking that day, you know when you were young, you have many things you wanna do, but you are not old enough or does not have the required skills; and now the feeling is like the skills are acquired, but the opportunities are not there sometimes. maybe it'll arrive in due time.

we'll see.

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