Friday, March 04, 2005


that day i was reading that how blogging has become such a big influence, that microsoft is getting into it, and they set up this msn blog thing, which apparently isn't very good.

see, miKLosoV is just like a rich fat old-fashioned, old man, trying to break dance or play hip hop music. this guy that rips of ideas from kids on the streets and try to push it to sell. its just off.

de-ll ah kao is like this guy from kedai runcit (convenient store, chinese version kind) that sells alot of stuff and eventually becomes a whole seller. like sell many many of the same boring kind, but it sells.

KompaC Lim H.P. is the kedai runcit guy next door that does not sell as well.

KreatiFF is like i call myself "clever", but i score D in exam kind(seriously, how creative is KreatiFF?). monkey see monkey do lor.

Oh-sim is this guy that graduates from traditional foot theraphy. he made if big by making it more angmoh. delist here delist there, now still wanna buy this store that use girls to sell vitamins to sick old men and muscle builders.

the list continues on.. come back next week or so for more profiles of famous people...

1 comment:

Pauleon said...

hahaha gd stuff. ping guo ler? =]