Saturday, June 16, 2007

A Good Year

Rented "A Good Year" last Sat evening, a show that i wanted to watch when it first came out but missed it. Really liked it. A story about life's simple pleasures, with a tint of romantic overlay, based in a picturesque setting of Château La Canorgue during the 2005 harvest in the Luberon area of Provence.

Was it the punchlines that Max Skinner delivered, or the cinematography, or the clever yet entertaining details, or was it because Max Skinner's profession is one that i can identify with, yet the background of summers in a small town setting is nostalgic, or was that love Max has for his uncle? I'm not sure really, but I really enjoyed this show, surprisingly, a so called love story. But really, the main theme of it may just be about kinship, Max's posture towards the uncle, the daughter that Max's uncle never knew, the warm servants, the meaning that little things bear for a person all because of the memories that is attached to it. Afterall, maybe men's needs has always been that need to relate, which without it as a foundation, any other higher tier need like money and status, will just be built shaky.

Not new, but still have a dream to own a vineyard. I am working towards it, many more than just this thing from this film.

Pardonne mes lèvres. Elles trouvent la joie dans les endrois les plus inhabituels
Forgive my lips. They find joy in the most unusual places


Anonymous said...

wah, i'm surprised u liked it! haha. thought u're like non-europe fan?? "the last places on earth i want to go to"? lol. i hv the vcd, but bought it on a whim cos i watched it on a plane n couldn't catch the ending b4 touchdown n that was quite irritating hahaha [but anyway, anything french (almost) always works for me, so i'm biased lol]. movie is based on the fiction book by peter mayle, this brit chap who migrated to provence/france. can find PM's fiction books in libraries. i prefer his non-fiction/travelogues (of sorts) abt his life in provence with his wife. he really has a love affair w provence. nice to read. i think i hv 3 or 4 of those


wah... you are a serious fan of france..