Ken Costa, vice-chair of Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), one of the biggest invesment banks in the world, wrote a book on God at work. Financial Times blog, put it across in yesterday's entries. A more in-depth reporting of his beliefs can be see in this article:
Its interesting some of the things that he expressed inside the article, its mostly what i've believed. Good to know that someone like this is out there.
God versus the Bank of England
Edited by Emiko Terazono
Published: July 10 2007 03:00 Last updated: July 10 2007 03:00
Investment bankers are not often thought to harbour religious beliefs, other than a desire to bow down before the altar of mammon. Ken Costa has set out to challenge that view by publishing a book called God at Work: Living every day with purpose.
In the slim volume, the vice-chairman of investment banking at UBS sets out deeply personal views on reconciling his faith with the City, where he has spent his entire working life.
Mr Costa, who was born and brought up in South Africa, writes that the apartheid regime initially turned him away from Christianity, but that his belief was revived while studying at Cambridge University in the 1970s. He joined SG Warburg in 1976 and embarked on a stellar career that saw him rise to the upper ranks of the investment bank.
But he retained a sense of perspective. In one passage, he describes being impressed by the looming facades of the Bank of England and Swiss Bank Corporation. "But then, in a flash, I saw the truth," he writes. "No bank - Swiss Bank or the Bank of England - would survive the promised return of Christ. Strong as they appeared, their apparent security would be broken in an instant."
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